In these tough economic times, log homeowners are feeling the pinch of skyrocketing restoration services and stain prices. Many are considering fire charred wood to stain. Is it right for you?
Log Homeowner Education
Log Cabin Caulking: Enhancing Protection and Longevity
How do log cabins stay strong against the weather? It's all about the little things, like caulking. Just like our veins keep blood flowing smoothly, caulking seals your cabin, keeping out rain and wind. It's like a shield, protecting your cozy retreat so you can enjoy...
Log Cabin Chinking: Why It’s Essential
If you're a log cabin owner or enthusiast, the term 'chinking' is probably familiar. Chinking seals the gaps between your logs, vital in keeping your beautiful cabin comfortable and habitable. You may have wondered why chinking is crucial in conserving these rustic...
Financing and Insuring Log Homes
A couple is discussing finances for a potential new log home purchase with a real estate agent in a cozy cabin. The agent explains different mortgage and insurance options suitable for log homes, ensuring the couple understands every detail as they move closer to their dream.
Log Homeowners Should Know the EMC of Their Region
In this article, learn about Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC) and how it affects the stain on your cabin.
Log Homeowner’s Nightmare
Discover how Log Masters helped a log homeowner overcome a nightmare restoration project. Learn about the challenges faced by log homeowners and how expertise and experience help them restore their log home to its former glory.
Is Log Home Restoration EXPENSIVE
Log home preservation experts with proper insurance and experience are in high demand. Inexperienced and uninsured local “log home preservationists” often exacerbate the problem. You can learn more about the high costs in this industry by reading this article.
Advantages of Borate on Bare Wood Surfaces
Learn about the advantages of applying borate to bare wood surfaces. Because of their non-toxic properties, borates are beneficial in combating house invaders, such as termites, anobiid beetles, lyctid beetles, carpenter ants, and brown or white wood rot. You can learn more about how borate can help you protect your wooden structures from decay and pests.
Expert Opinion of Oil Or Water Based Stains for Log Homes
This article provides insights into the differences between two of the most popular stains used in log homes: oil-based and water-based. As an expert in the field of log home preservation with 13 years of experience, Nick Smith, owner of Log Masters Restorations, explains the unique advantages and disadvantages of each type of stain.
Why Do Log Home Restoration Companies Hire Subcontractors
Log home preservation professionals usually work as independent contractors. Most log home companies subcontract labor. Experienced individuals prefer to be a 1099 subcontractor, allowing them to set their own schedule, take time off, and work on other projects. This article explores the reasons why log home restoration companies hire subcontractors and their benefits.
Log Structures and Durability
Stave Church Gol of North Dakota is a great example of a log structure built to last for years.
Save My Old Log Home & Appearance!
Old timber’s silvery-gray texture is costly, yet unique. Protecting logs from rot while preserving the look is a challenge. Borate applied yearly can help. This is a cabin in the town square of Wheatland, MO.