Financing and Insuring Log Homes

Dawn SmithLog Homeowner EducationLeave a Comment

A couple is discussing finances for a potential new log home purchase with a real estate agent in a cozy cabin. The agent explains different mortgage and insurance options suitable for log homes, ensuring the couple understands every detail as they move closer to their dream.

Signs of Log Home Settling

Dawn SmithLog Homeowner Education

In this article, you will learn about log home settling – what it is, why it happens, how to recognize it, and how to address it. We will explain how shrinkage, compression, and other factors affect log walls, and provide advice from log home experts. You will find everything you need to know about log home settling, including its causes, identification, prevention, and remediation.

Carla Smith, Missouri Administrative Assistant

Dawn SmithGetting To Know Log Masters

Carla Smith Headshot

Log Masters, a family-owned business, introduces Carla Smith, now the Administrative Assistant at Log Masters Restorations. Explore her professional journey, her connection to the owners, and her dedication to providing quality customer service for log homeowners.