Advantages of Borate on Bare Wood Surfaces

Jeffrey "Scott" FutrellLog Homeowner Education

This image is of a 3 story log home that was recently media blasted exposing the wood log surfaces by Log Masters Restorations. The captions on the pictures say, "Repeat borate treatment every 6 years is recommended. Borate Wood Treatment has been one of the most effective and popular choices in pest management for over 25 years." Log Masters Restorations Trademark is in the bottom right corner.
Missouri General Manager, Jeffrey “Scott” Futrell, II (owner of LMR; certified with Sascho and Perma-Chink Systems) has been doing log home preservation for over 10 years and is considered an expert in the field. Send your log home questions to [email protected]

Borate treatment has numerous advantages when utilized on bare wood surfaces. I am Scott Futrell, owner of Log Masters Restorations and General Manager of the Springfield, Missouri, Branch. I’ve been doing log home restorations with Nick Smith since 2012, back when we started subcontracting for 888-Log-Guys. As a certified expert in log home preservation with over ten years of experience, let me explain the advantages.

1. Borate is an Effective Preserver

Firstly, it is an effective preservative, protecting wood against decay and insect infestations. Borate compounds can penetrate the wood fibers and create a barrier that prevents infestations by fungi and prevents damage from termites and other wood-boring insects. Treating wood with this preservation quality extends its lifespan significantly, making it a durable and long-lasting material for various applications.

2. Borate is Environmentally Friendly

Secondly, borate-treated wood is environmentally friendly. Borate compounds are typically less harmful to human and animal health, making them a safer alternative to conventional chemical wood preservatives. Furthermore, borates can be biodegradable, which reduces the environmental impact of disposing of treated wood products. The eco-friendly aspect of borate-treated wood makes it an appealing choice for those who are seeking sustainable and non-toxic building materials.

3. Borate is a Flame Retardant

Lastly, the use of borate treatment is an excellent defense against fire. Borates are flame retardants that slow down the combustion process and reduce the spread of flames. This fire-resistant property enhances the safety of structures built with borate-treated wood. It makes it a preferred option in areas prone to wildfires or for applications where fire safety is crucial, such as construction and furniture manufacturing.