Nick Smith, Colorado General Manager, Owner and Log Master

Dawn SmithGetting To Know Log Masters

Getting to Know Nick

Happily married with four children, Nick loves the outdoors. So you could see him there with his wife down the paths in Colorado. He focuses on the family when he isn’t working, hiking, or listening to sermons. Nick prides himself on being a good son, brother, grandson, and cousin to his family, which has always been close to his heart.

Nick’s Background

Nick is a proud  Drury College Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Certificate graduate. He has worked for 20+ years in construction, remodeling, and cabinet making since age 16. In Crane, Missouri, he began working as a cabinet maker. He worked as a young adult under Cardinal Construction, LLC, performing finish and cabinet work until 2011.

Side note: We no longer own the old Cardinal Construction, LLC website domain. It is also important to note that we have a few “cyber-squatters” and “passing off as” Log Masters LLC companies in Colorado. Trademark infringement letters are on their way.

Log Home Industry Beginnings

In the fall of 2011, Nick restored log homes by accepting a subcontracting offer from Heartland Log Homes (eventually 888-Log Guys). Heartland was a log home restoration company rapidly growing in Ozark, Missouri. You can see some of the work done by Nick on our old Facebook page or by visiting the 888 Log Guys website or Facebook page. 


In 2016, he established Log Masters, LLC. With his brother Scott Futrell, they worked to build Log Masters, LLC, into its brand. Additionally, they received multiple subcontracts from other log home restoration companies, including those in Colorado.

Family Business

By 2019, Nick’s wife, Dawn, became the company’s third partner. The company under Log Masters, LLC changed its name to Log Masters Restorations. The company flourished under this management team, expanding beyond Springfield, Missouri.

Expansion West

In 2020, Colorado Springs, Colorado, became home to a remote office. We quickly realized the high demand in Colorado. After two years of commuting to Colorado from Missouri, a decision was made to open a permanent branch and offer employment opportunities in Colorado.

Photo of the shop in Westcliffe off county road 241 towards Lake Deweese (the building is currently without the logo, but this is what it will look like soon, pending Custer County Approval)

Good Intentions

In the spring of 2022, Nick and his wife relocated to Walsenburg, Colorado, to head up the Colorado branch and give back to the quaint community by offering good-paying career opportunities. Unfortunately, after a year of providing employment, it seemed the Walsenburg Community had many job opportunities and not many job seekers.

Onward and Upward!

So, it was decided in April 2023 to relocate to Westcliffe, Colorado, which happens to be more centrally located near log homes. This will be the new permanent address of Log Masters in Colorado. Our hope for our employees is to concentrate on more local services so employee work life is improved. Closer to home. Closer to family time. Our goal is to create a great workplace for the Custer County community by introducing employee benefits, such as sick leave and insurance.

Experience, Training and Reviews

At Heartland, Nick trained to repair and restore luxury log homes and small log cabins. As a result, he learned the standards of PermaChink and Sashco, along with the company standards of 888-log guys. After a few months, Nick began training new workers and other sub-contracting crews for Heartland. It was not uncommon for him to lead teams of 3 or more subcontractors. Sometimes, he led two separate groups to separate jobs. Nick is also enrolled with InterNACHI to become a certified log home inspector.

Because of the many years at 888 Log Guys, Google Review mentions both Nick and Scott on a few jobs (January 20, 2021)

Great Experience Reviews

Around 2014, Heartland Log Homes became 888-Log-Guys. Nick continued to manage multiple crews for them, as a subcontractor and for a short time as a Service/Project Manager. You may have noticed how customer Google reviews for 888-Log-Guys love Nick and Scott’s work even up to 2020.

We regularly update our social media platforms so you can see the latest work our company is completing. Our company has its reviews and testimonials to support the quality of work you can expect. Visit testimonials.

Videos of Nick Smith