Advantages of Borate on Bare Wood Surfaces

Jeffrey "Scott" FutrellLog Homeowner Education

This image is of a 3 story log home that was recently media blasted exposing the wood log surfaces by Log Masters Restorations. The captions on the pictures say, "Repeat borate treatment every 6 years is recommended. Borate Wood Treatment has been one of the most effective and popular choices in pest management for over 25 years." Log Masters Restorations Trademark is in the bottom right corner.

Learn about the advantages of applying borate to bare wood surfaces. Because of their non-toxic properties, borates are beneficial in combating house invaders, such as termites, anobiid beetles, lyctid beetles, carpenter ants, and brown or white wood rot. You can learn more about how borate can help you protect your wooden structures from decay and pests.