In this beautiful and heartwarming image, a tattooed mid-30s man and his young child spend quality time building a flower box on a sunny day. The long-haired, brunette young child, wearing black shorts, grey ankle socks, lavender Sketcher shoes, and a gray sweatshirt, uses a drill to make holes in the box handle. Her father is standing beside her, holding the sides of the box firmly in place so that she can work efficiently. He is an older gentleman with a kind and caring face, wearing a green and black plaid hat and a gray shirt. The flower box is placed on a sturdy sawhorse, with an OSB sheet underneath to provide a stable surface for their work. To the left of the man, there is an additional drill and some small wooden blocks, which they will likely use later in their project. Overall, the image portrays the love and bond between a father and his daughter as they work together to create something beautiful and meaningful.