Have you ever admired the transformation of a weather-beaten log home into a vibrant, charming structure? The secret behind this magic is media blasting. This powerful technique cleans, restores, and prepares surfaces for new finishes. It’s the industry’s go-to method...
general expectations of a Log Master
Before & After…Plus Testimonials
Welcome to our testimonial page, where clients share their experiences with Log Masters Restorations. From the mountains of Colorado to the Missouri River and beyond, see the transformations and hear directly from those who trusted us with their log home restorations....
Which Preserves & Protects Your Log Home Logs Best: Fire Charred or Stain?
In these tough economic times, log homeowners are feeling the pinch of skyrocketing restoration services and stain prices. Many are considering fire charred wood to stain. Is it right for you?
We know it is difficult in these days for you to know who to trust. In an effort to gain your trust, we offer you transparency about our insurance coverage and more.
Log Masters Restorations Service Coverage Area
At Log Masters Restorations, we’re thrilled to announce that our service coverage area is growing to serve our customers better. We now have two fully functioning branches located in Springfield, Missouri, and Westcliffe, Colorado, from which to offer our quality services.
Creative Cabin Decoration Ideas: Beyond Moose and Bear
Looking for cabin decoration ideas? Sick of all the cliche moose and bear decorations so commonly found in log homes. Then do I have some ideas for you in this article and where to order them.
Log Cabin Caulking: Enhancing Protection and Longevity
How do log cabins stay strong against the weather? It's all about the little things, like caulking. Just like our veins keep blood flowing smoothly, caulking seals your cabin, keeping out rain and wind. It's like a shield, protecting your cozy retreat so you can enjoy...
Log Cabin Chinking: Why It’s Essential
If you're a log cabin owner or enthusiast, the term 'chinking' is probably familiar. Chinking seals the gaps between your logs, vital in keeping your beautiful cabin comfortable and habitable. You may have wondered why chinking is crucial in conserving these rustic...
Financing and Insuring Log Homes
A couple is discussing finances for a potential new log home purchase with a real estate agent in a cozy cabin. The agent explains different mortgage and insurance options suitable for log homes, ensuring the couple understands every detail as they move closer to their dream.
Log Homeowners Should Know the EMC of Their Region
In this article, learn about Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC) and how it affects the stain on your cabin.
Colt Smith, Missouri Project Manager
Colt is Log Masters Restorations’ Missouri Project Manager. With 10+ years of experience in log home repair and carpentry, he brings expertise and dedication to the role. His goal is to exceed expectations, deliver exceptional results and guide homeowners through the restoration process with genuine care and empathy. Learn more about his background in log homes in this article.
Carla Smith, Missouri Administrative Assistant
Log Masters, a family-owned business, introduces Carla Smith, now the Administrative Assistant at Log Masters Restorations. Explore her professional journey, her connection to the owners, and her dedication to providing quality customer service for log homeowners.